中国眼鼻整形美容国际会议 China Oculoplastic and Rhinoplastic & Aesthetics International Congress (CORAIC) 将于2016年12月2日至4日在广西南宁沃顿国际大酒店举行。我们真诚地邀您参加这次备受瞩目的全新医疗美容盛会。
It is with great pleasure and excitement that we welcome you to witness the birth of one of the most anticipated medical aesthetics congresses, China Oculoplastic and Rhinoplastic & Aesthetics International Congress (CORAIC) at Guangxi Wharton International Hotel, Nanning on 2-4 December 2016.
中国整形美容协会携旗下眼整形美容分会和鼻整形美容分会齐聚本次盛会,更有国际眼鼻整形知名专家倾情加入,聚集眼鼻整形最新进展,CORAIC 2016会议本着展示国际最前沿的眼鼻整形美容治疗进展,将在会议期间开展实用性更强的系列课程,直播眼鼻整形精要术式,以及眼鼻整形大师示范课,让你亲身感受世界顶级的眼鼻整形美容最新进展。
The Oculoplastic and Aesthetic Surgery Branch and Rhinoplastic and Aesthetic Surgery Branch, under the umbrella of Chinese Association of Plastic and Aesthetics (CAPA), are jointly organizing the congress to bring international representation to a deep and specialized feature on eyes and nose aesthetics, two of the most popular aesthetics treatments globally, as well as in China. CORAIC 2016 will involve a myriad of scientific lectures, LIVE surgery demonstration and hands-on masterclasses that are insightful and problem based, with the objective of providing worldclass opportunity to learn about the two specialty areas in greater depth.
CORAIC 2016会议致力于打造世界一流的眼、鼻整形美容国际盛会的领导品牌,邀请在此领域最杰出的国际、国内着名学者演讲、授课,籍此会议,起到促进交流与共同提高之作用。授课专家:
CORAIC 2016 is committed to become a world congress leader in Oculoplastic and Rhinoplastic surgery & aesthetics and will underpin scientific and clinical updates under some of the international luminaries speaking at this event:
Dr ZHENG Yong Sheng, Beijing Tongren Hospital
欧阳天祥教授, 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院
Dr OUYANG Tianxiang, Xin Hua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
Dr ZHANG Yuguang, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital
Dr GE Xiaolei, Plastic Surgery Hospital
Dr LI Dong, Peking University Third Hospital
Dr LI Dong, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University
Dr ZENG Gao, China-Japan Friendship Hospital
Dr TAN Xiaoyan, Hangzhou Plastic Surgery Hospital
Dr So Ki YI, 101 Plastic Surgery Clinic
Dr Dong Hak JUNG, Shimmian Rhinoplasty Clinic
福田庆三教授, 倍丽特美容整形医院
Dr Keizo FUKUTA, Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Verite Clinic
Peter Callan 教授, Peter Callan Plastic Surgeon
Dr Peter CALLAN, Peter Callan Plastic Surgeon
眼整形和鼻整形美容一直是东方人开展最多的手术项目。CORAIC 2016的主题是“创新,实战,国际”。通过结合这三个主题,CORAIC 2016在深度的“实战性”上另辟蹊径,挖掘不同于以往的眼、鼻整形美容手术以及微整形手段。在“创新”上,CORAIC 2016 会议内容丰富,创新,并采用新媒体视听技术向与会听众更直观有效的展现实用课程。在“国际”上,CORAIC 2016大会的内容和主创、参与人员都具备国际水平和背景。整个会议也将由国际化团队组织并实施。
Themed “INNOVATIVE, INSIGHTFUL, INTERNATIONAL”, CORAIC 2016 juxtaposes these three pillars in offering a programme that is INSIGHTFUL by diving into the less-traveled depths of nose and eyes medical aesthetics surgical and non-surgical techniques; INNOVATIVE in the subject matter and the delivery of the lectures; and INTERNATIONAL in its flavor - both in terms of content and faculty. While nose and eyes medical aesthetics treatments have been two of the most popular treatments sought after, CORIAC 2016 willbreak through the norms and raise the bar of education in the “crowded” spheres.
The programme is carefully crafted by an esteemed team of award winning and well-published surgeons in the fields of their own rights:
大会主席: 郑永生教授,首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院
Organizing Co-Chairman: Dr Zheng Yong Sheng, Beijing Tongren Hospital
大会主席: 李东教授,北京大学第三医院
Organizing Co-Chairman: Dr Li Dong, Peking University Third Hospital
执行主席: 黎冻教授,广西医科大学第一附属医院
Executive Chairman: Dr Li Dong, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University
会议秘书: 许莲姬医生,首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院
Conference Secretary: Dr Xu Lianji, Beijing Tongren Hospital
会议秘书: 安阳医生,北京大学第三医院
Conference Secretary: Dr An Yang, Peking University Third Hospital
会议秘书: 肖翔辕医生,广西医科大学第一附属医院
Conference Secretary: Dr Xiao Xiangyuan, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University
本次大会面向从事眼整形、鼻整形以及眼鼻微创整形美容的临床医师和研究人员。投稿摘要可中、英文或中英文对照,字数不超过500字。录用之稿件将可优先刊登在中国医疗美容杂志。截止日期为2016年8月31日前。欢迎大家的参与与支持。投稿至邮箱: abstract@coraic.com 也可登录www.coraic.com注册发表摘要,或了解更多的信息。
Call for papers is opened now! Submission can be in English or Chinese - (limited to 500 words per language) from doctors and researchers presenting scientific and clinical research results in all aspects of Oculoplasty, Rhinoplasty and minimally invasive treatments in the eyes and nose regions. Selected may be published in the prestigious China Medical Cosmetology Journal. Deadline for submission is 31 August 2016. Visit www.coraic.com for more information or to register an abstract. Abstracts may also be submitted to abstract@coraic.com.
南宁,广西的省会,遍布多样的热带绿色植物,被誉为中国的“绿城”。 现代文明中,绿色意味着永恒的生命。2016届CORAIC会议的座右铭就是“绿色”,意味着不断学习,无私给予。我们以极大的热忱欢迎您参加南宁CORAIC会议,与鼻整形和眼整形领域顶级专家近距离交流,结识更多业内同行,共同见证中国眼整形和鼻整形行业的长足发展,创造属于你我的社区!
The beautiful capital of Guangxi, Nanning is known as the “Green City” because of its abundance of lush tropical foliage. In some culture, green means eternal life. At CORAIC 2016, our “Green” motto means never ending learning and giving back. We will be glad to have you with us in Nanning to connect with the industry leaders, learn as experts with your colleagues in the field and to grow as a community. We look forward to connecting with you during the three days In Nanning!